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mscomplex-3d / opencl-on-zenbook

#Using OpenCL on Asus Zenbook running Ubuntu Linux#

An excellent general purpose guide for installing OpenCL on linux can be found here.

Using the nvidia driver for the GPU

For Ubuntu on an nvidia optimius platform, some things need to be done differntly from the above referenced guide.

First you need the necessary drivers and development files. Run the following command to pull in the necessary files.

$ aptitude install nvidia-opencl-dev bumblebee-nvidia

Then, I had to create the following file.

$ echo "" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd

I got the above fix from here and here.

Finally, the tool is run with the optirun command as

$ optirun mscomplex3d ...

For non-optimius platforms, (typically desktops) you may omit the bumblebee-nvidia package as well run the tool directly without optirun command.

Using the intel driver

For the intel driver, the guide here works.

However, in the above guide, he asks you to install an "ICD loader" program which is needed but not provided by Intel. He recommends that you use the one from AMD (or nvidia).

An easier way is to install the OpenCL reference implementation package named ocl-icd-libopencl1 after installing the intel driver alone.

Note: All of the above was tested on a Zenbook UX32VD running Ubuntu Linux 13.10.
