file could not be saved

Issue #1 resolved
norman morse created an issue

As the title suggests, after following the install instructions, then the "lets make some gcode" ones to the letter, all I get is the pretty uninformative "file could not be saved" report from Inkscape. No "because of" hints, nothing. I tried various options, still no success. Any clues where I am going wrong, and what other info you need from me to track down the problem?

Comments (5)

  1. Greg Fawcett repo owner

    Lasergcode uses Inkscape's API to save the file, so I don't have any control over this action - I can't add debugging information for instance.

    From what you report, I'm guessing that the file cannot be created in the directory. This may be because the directory or file is wrote protected. Can you let me know what OS you are using, and the full path (directory and filename) of the destination file?

  2. norman morse reporter

    Thanks for the reply Greg. I am using windows 10 and Inkscape .92. on a HP Pavillion G6 laptop

    To check the directory structure and path is ok, I saved the svg file to desktop, then tried "save as" .tar (layers as separate svg) then gradually worked my way up the list (they all worked BTW, my desktop is littered with these different formats) to lasergcode, and got the "file could not be saved" message when I tried saving as lasergcode. I then did a clean boot, in case any other program was playing silly beggars and interfering with Inkscape's ability to save files. No success. Then I recopied the .inx and .py to Inkscape in case there was some form of file corruption causing the problem. I really want it to work, as it seems the ideal solution for what I am trying to do. I will dig out another computer, and try doing it on that. (running windows vista, it's a pretty old machine) and if it works, will report back. Regards, Norm.

  3. norman morse reporter

    OH! Hold the bus! I was in full "press every button and change every setting" mode, and suddenly it now works. I altered the opacity, the RGB values, and retried to save and it did! Wonderful! Sorry I can't specify exactly what fixed it, just as I have no idea what broke it in the first place with Inkscape's cryptic "file could not be saved, but I am not telling you why" message. I will just put this down as another reason why I am not a big fan of Bill Gates. }:>))

  4. Greg Fawcett repo owner

    I'm very relieved it worked, because I had a feeling you were on Windows and I switched to Ubuntu ten years ago. My Windows knowledge is very rusty.

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