ALM Task JIRA updater error

Issue #6 open
Valentina Mannara created an issue

Hi, I'm testing the plugin but it fails with this error in the build logs

Failed to execute plugin 'ALM Task JIRA updater' with error: com.atlassian.bamboo.jira.jiraissues.JiraIssueUtils.<init>(Lcom/atlassian/bamboo/applinks/JiraApplinksService;Lcom/atlassian/bamboo/resultsummary/ResultsSummaryManager;Lcom/atlassian/event/api/EventPublisher;Lcom/atlassian/bamboo/configuration/AdministrationConfigurationAccessor;Lcom/atlassian/bamboo/deployments/versions/service/DeploymentVersionLinkedJiraIssuesService;)V

The environment is: Jira --> v7.5.0 Bamboo --> v6.3.2

Could you support me about this issue?

Thanks in advance

Comments (2)

  1. Valentina Mannara Account Deactivated reporter

    Hello @vikasborse there are news about this error? It is very important to understand if the plugin can be used or not. I'm waiting for your feedback, could you give me support? Thanks

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