Rename detected installations

Issue #12 resolved
ST33LDI9ITAL created an issue

Hi there, I have many versions of python I use… and I need the ability to rename or add alphanumerical tag.. for example Py -winpy or Py -debug etc. Is there a way to do this? I have figured out way to get name to show using registry on py -0/--list but when calling it using py -name it just says not recognized, seems only recognizes numerical values. Can you update this feature in please? Seems that should be a pretty standard functionality to me. Shebang lines are great and all but I like to just call it from cmd… Is this project dead or still maintained? No updates in years…

Comments (4)

  1. Vinay Sajip repo owner

    The Python launcher ( py.exe/pyw.exe) is now part of the Python project, which is why this project has not received updates in years. There are no current plans to do further maintenance of this project.

  2. ST33LDI9ITAL reporter

    Yea, I am aware of that just didn’t know if it was maintained there as well. Anyways, thanks for your time and work.

    I have compiled it, but do you need to run the MSI builder in order for it to function correctly because as is with just built binary I get “requested python version not installed”

    Do you know if pylauncher can be built separately from python distribution? Or do I need to build whole py dist?

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