Inconsistent behavior with async=True

Issue #20 closed
Dmitry Malinovsky created an issue


I found that I can't specify sleep n call before any other command (including another sleep n call) without waiting for it using async=True. Is it expected behavior?

This works as expected:

In [1]: from sarge import run

In [2]: p = run('echo abc | cat && sleep 5', async=True)
# Returns immediately

In [3]: p.commands[-1].poll()

In [4]: p.commands[-1].poll()
Out[4]: 0

This is not:

In [5]: p = run('sleep 5 && echo abc | cat', async=True)
# Hangs for 5 seconds

Comments (8)

  1. Vinay Sajip repo owner

    The && makes that part of the pipeline synchronous: the decision on whether or not to run echo can't be taken until sleep returns.

    I'll investigate why it doesn't return immediately when I get a chance.

  2. Dmitry Malinovsky reporter

    Unfortunately, behavior is the same when using a semicolon:

    In [1]: from sarge import run
    In [2]: p = run('sleep 5; echo abc | cat', async=True)
    # Hangs for 5 seconds
  3. Vinay Sajip repo owner

    Unfortunately, behavior is the same when using a semicolon

    Yes, for the same reason - the ; makes that part of the pipeline synchronous. The following script:

    import logging
    import sys
    import time
    from sarge import run
        raw_input   # for Python 3.x
    except NameError:
        raw_input = input
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename='test_sleep.log',
                        filemode='w', format='%(asctime)s %(threadName)-10s %(name)-15s %(lineno)4d %(message)s')
    start = time.time()
    p = run('sleep 5 & echo abc', async=True)
    elapsed = time.time() - start
    print('Elapsed: %.1f secs.' % elapsed)
    # This is there to stop the program exiting prematurely (note that sarge
    # threads are daemon threads).
    raw_input('Press enter:')

    Uses & rather than && or ;, and so will run asynchronously (returns immediately from the run() call). Partial log:

    2014-07-09 21:36:30,092 MainThread sarge           1301 started: ListNode(parts=[CommandNode(command=['sleep', '5'] redirects={}), SyncNode(sync=&), CommandNode(command=['echo', 'abc'] redirects={})]), None, True
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,092 MainThread sarge           1334 thread Thread-1 started to run node: CommandNode(command=['sleep', '5'] redirects={})
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,092 MainThread sarge           1334 thread Thread-2 started to run node: CommandNode(command=['echo', 'abc'] redirects={})
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,092 Thread-1   sarge           1215 started: CommandNode(command=['sleep', '5'] redirects={}), None, False
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,092 Thread-1   sarge            585 Command('sleep 5') created
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,092 Thread-1   sarge            621 About to call Popen: ['sleep', '5'], {'stdin': None, 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,099 Thread-1   sarge            624 Popen: Command('sleep 5'), {'stdin': None, 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None} -> {'_child_created': True, 'returncode': None, 'stdout': None, 'stdin': None, 'pid': 2050, 'stderr': None, 'universal_newlines': False}
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,100 Thread-1   sarge            643 about to wait for process
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,101 Thread-2   sarge           1215 started: CommandNode(command=['echo', 'abc'] redirects={}), None, False
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,101 Thread-2   sarge            585 Command('echo abc') created
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,101 Thread-2   sarge            621 About to call Popen: ['echo', 'abc'], {'stdin': None, 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,109 Thread-2   sarge            624 Popen: Command('echo abc'), {'stdin': None, 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None} -> {'_child_created': True, 'returncode': None, 'stdout': None, 'stdin': None, 'pid': 2051, 'stderr': None, 'universal_newlines': False}
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,110 Thread-2   sarge            643 about to wait for process
    2014-07-09 21:36:30,112 Thread-2   sarge            647 returning Command('echo abc') (Popen(returncode=0 stdin=None stdout=None stderr=None))
    2014-07-09 21:36:35,106 Thread-1   sarge            647 returning Command('sleep 5') (Popen(returncode=0 stdin=None stdout=None stderr=None))
  4. Dmitry Malinovsky reporter

    I do not understand why a semicolon makes the call to be synchronous, since it is just a delimeter, and a command after a semicolon will always run, despite of the result of previous command.

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