Cooperation with Plumbum project?

Issue #1 resolved
Piotr Dobrogost created an issue

It seems like sarge and plumbum ( have the same goal. Maybe joining efforts and creating one library would be beneficial to users?

Comments (4)

  1. Vinay Sajip repo owner

    There's also pbs, which in my view has more in common with Plumbum than either have with sarge, which deliberately chooses a path other than calling commands as if they were functions. It has no "magic" or DSLs, it supports a reasonable subset of bash syntax via a parser. I believe it would make more sense for pbs and Plumbum to work closely, as their API styles are similar to each other.

  2. Piotr Dobrogost reporter

    After parsing input sarge could output a tree of Plumbum command objects internally thus reusing their implementation. Both projects need something like sarge's Capture object. Just a thought.

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