Choose quality of live streaming or auto adapt quality like in the website

Issue #128 invalid
Former user created an issue

It's good to have a option to live streaming have a auto adapt quality using internet speed as parameter, in the website the quality auto adapts, can you guys do that? my live streaming always start to buffering and pause every 30 seconds

Comments (6)

  1. Bruno Briner

    AFAIK Kodi does not support auto adapt according to the internet speed. You can however limit Kodi's internet throughput and force a lower resolution. Be warned though that it might even worsen your buffering problem if the root cause is high latency rather than throughput.

  2. Roberto Neves de Freitas

    The question "Is it possible to select the quality of live streaming?" remains unanswered. I agree that buffering and pausing every 30 secs is annoying, and limiting Kodi bandwidth didn`t solve my problem (as Briner said above). I would like to select SD or HD streams without downgrading Kodi Bandwidth. Is it possible to use a system variable or AdvancedSettings to do that? Thanks for your attention, and sorry for raising the question after such a long time, but I'm just a newbie in this area.

  3. Bruno Briner

    @RNFreitas : The addon used to have such option in its version v0.1.26, however there were problems related to cookies and authentication changing (as far as I could understand) and therefore has been removed by @lucasrokam

    As for your question "Is it possible to select the quality of live streaming?", YOU can try answering yourself, analyse the current code and the code of v0.1.26, learn Python and try putting such functionality back, make tests and if successful make a pull request.

    This is what I did to solve my problems of buffering +/- 1 year ago, I learned the bare minimum just in order to put back the MP4 (the download of videos for VoD) that is currently part of the code.

  4. Roberto Neves de Freitas

    Thank you, Briner, for your prompt answer and advice. At 61, my grey matter is much lighter than 40 years ago, but I still see learning a new programming language as a challenge to overcome in my (little) free time. Thank you all for the work shared in the add-ons.

  5. Roberto Neves de Freitas

    In v0.1.26 I found this at the end of m3u8_header = { 'Cookie': '; '.join(['%s=%s' % (key, value) for (key, value) in req.cookies.items()]) } m3u8_obj = m3u8.loads(req.text.strip()) streams = {} if m3u8_obj.is_variant: # if this m3u8 contains links to other m3u8s for playlist in m3u8_obj.playlists: bitrate = str(int(playlist.stream_info.bandwidth[:playlist.stream_info.bandwidth.find(' ')])/100) streams[bitrate] = url[:url.rfind('/') + 1] + playlist.uri + '?' + url.split('?')[1] + '|' + urllib.urlencode(m3u8_header) else: return url return util.getBestBitrateUrl(self.plugin, streams)

    Thanks for the hints...

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