rede globo (novelas) stopped working today

Issue #174 new
Michiel van Baak created an issue

Hi all,

Today the plugin stopped working for videos (at least the latest 'A forca do querer' episode. I think it has something to do with updates on the side as I get an 'invalid cookie' error in the logs, and then an error in kodi:

11:05:49.362 T:1240462240  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/play/6203028" matches rule for function "play"
11:06:02.186 T:1240462240 WARNING: [xbmcswift2] No converter provided, unicode should be used, but returning str value
11:06:09.209 T:1945498176 WARNING: Previous line repeats 5 times.
11:06:09.209 T:1945498176  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
11:06:09.209 T:1945498176 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
11:06:09.425 T:1271919520  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
11:06:10.290 T:1271919520  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
11:06:10.291 T:1271919520   ERROR: CCurlFile::GetCookies - invalid cookie: '        FALSE   /       FALSE   1507453870      locksession     '
11:06:40.348 T:1271919520   ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
11:06:40.348 T:1271919520  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
11:06:40.355 T:1945498176   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]

I'm using a user and already re-entered my username and password. The same username and password work perfectly when I use my computer and safari to browse the website and play the episode there.

If more info is needed let me know.

Comments (17)

  1. Michiel van Baak reporter

    A full log:

    11:16:56.177 T:1215296416  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/" matches rule for function "index"
    11:16:58.348 T:1215296416  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/channels" matches rule for function "channels"
    11:17:00.679 T:1215296416  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/globo" matches rule for function "list_shows"
    11:17:04.516 T:1215296416  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/globo/novelas" matches rule for function "list_shows"
    11:17:15.721 T:1215296416  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/globo/9932/page/1" matches rule for function "list_episodes"
    11:17:25.198 T:1215296416  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/play/6203028" matches rule for function "play"
    11:17:38.174 T:1215296416 WARNING: [xbmcswift2] No converter provided, unicode should be used, but returning str value
    11:17:45.465 T:1945498176 WARNING: Previous line repeats 5 times.
    11:17:45.465 T:1945498176  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
    11:17:45.465 T:1945498176 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    11:17:45.673 T:1271919520  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    11:17:46.544 T:1271919520  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    11:17:46.545 T:1271919520   ERROR: CCurlFile::GetCookies - invalid cookie: '        FALSE   /       FALSE   1507454566      locksession     '
    11:18:16.591 T:1271919520   ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
    11:18:16.591 T:1271919520  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    11:18:16.591 T:1945498176   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]
  2. Bruno Briner

    I could not reproduce the problem, I could watch Saturday's (07-Oct-2017) episode of "A Forca do Querer" without any problem, the full episode (at least the first couple of minutes) as well as its parts (again at least for a minute or so).

    I did notice though that the addon is not able to fetch the MP4 videos anymore and defaults itself back to the M3U8 stream in my case, whereas it seems that it does not happen in your case.

    Try cleaning the cache and check the option to use M3U8 stream in the addon settings.

  3. Michiel van Baak reporter

    Whatever I try, I cant get the plugin to show me any video anymore :(

    Is there any log besides the ones I already pasted that would help you?

  4. Bruno Briner

    Not that I know of. And for FYI, and BRPlay are running (reasonably) OK in my Kodis (all LibreElec 7.03).

  5. Fernando Gameiro Guedes

    I have the same problem as reported by Michiel, in my case it is happening for all programs that I try to play. I've set my credentials on the plugin settings but still got the issue, it stopped to work in the end of september to begin august. Follows the log at bottom.

    I think it might be regarding been blocking somehow source connection from another country ( overseas ) in its API.

    However if I try to open any content in my computer through google chrome it works normally.

    Is there any way someone overseas do a test and see if this plugin is working normally?

    Kodi Version: 17.5 Compiled: Oct 29 2017


    17:40:21.856 T:1407185904  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/play/6286644" matches rule for function "play"
    17:40:35.231 T:1407185904 WARNING: [xbmcswift2] No converter provided, unicode should be used, but returning str value
    17:40:45.053 T:1958608896 WARNING: Previous line repeats 5 times.
    17:40:45.053 T:1958608896  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
    17:40:45.053 T:1958608896 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    17:40:45.372 T:1473246192  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    17:40:46.925 T:1473246192  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    17:40:46.926 T:1473246192   ERROR: CCurlFile::GetCookies - invalid cookie: '    FALSE   /   FALSE   1510634746  locksession '
    17:41:08.444 T:1727001584  NOTICE: AddOnLog: PVR IPTV Simple Client: EPG file path is not configured. EPG not loaded.
    17:41:17.014 T:1473246192   ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
    17:41:17.014 T:1473246192  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    17:41:17.015 T:1958608896   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]
  6. Michiel van Baak reporter

    I'm still having this issue. Last week I got a new notebook so installed latest Kodi from scratch and added this plugin. Exactly same issue and same log.

    Some extra info: BrPlay plugin also cannot play anything by default. I have to switch the playback mode to "adaptive" ?? and "Redirect Buffered" for it to be able to play anything On-Demand.

    Using safari or chrome browser on my notebook or my wife's notebook works ok though.

    Tested on my MacBook with latest kodi and latest version of this plugin. Also tested on a raspberry pi 3 with latest libreelec and this plugin. Doesn't work on both :(

  7. Bruno Briner

    A shot in the dark, try installing the "inputstream.adaptive" addon.

    @mvanbaak Can you test your RPi3 with LibreElec 7.03 if the above does not work?

  8. Michiel van Baak reporter

    I enabled the input stream.adaptive add-on, but it did not make any difference on my Mac OS setup.

    • Kodi 17.4
    • 0.1.40

    Trying to play the latest episode of the new Novela 'O outro lado do paraiso':

    09:33:58.651 T:123145385410560  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/globo/10217/page/1" matches rule for function "list_episodes"
    09:33:59.266 T:123145385410560   ERROR: /Users/mvanbaak/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/script.module.urllib3/lib/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
    09:34:27.253 T:123145385947136   ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times.
    09:34:27.253 T:123145385947136  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/play/6289521" matches rule for function "play"
    09:34:31.869 T:123145385947136 WARNING: [xbmcswift2] No converter provided, unicode should be used, but returning str value
    09:34:35.687 T:140736211981120 WARNING: Previous line repeats 5 times.
    09:34:35.687 T:140736211981120  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
    09:34:35.688 T:140736211981120 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    09:34:35.895 T:123145385410560  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    09:34:36.780 T:123145385410560  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    09:34:36.780 T:123145385410560   ERROR: CCurlFile::GetCookies - invalid cookie: '   FALSE   /       FALSE   1510735176      locksession     '
    09:35:06.874 T:123145385410560   ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
    09:35:06.874 T:123145385410560  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    09:35:06.874 T:140736211981120   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]

    I have a pi that's doing nothing, if I can find an sd card I'll try to test it with libreelec 7.03 later today

  9. Fernando Gameiro Guedes

    I've been using RPI3 with OSMC running KODI. Also I've got InputStream addon version 2.0.18 installed but it didn't work

    root@2FeMediaCentre:/home/osmc# grep Kodi .kodi/temp/kodi.log | head -3
    09:23:33.665 T:1958608896  NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.5). Platform: Linux ARM (Thumb) 32-bit
    09:23:33.665 T:1958608896  NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
    09:23:33.665 T:1958608896  NOTICE: Kodi compiled Oct 29 2017 by GCC 4.9.2 for Linux ARM (Thumb) 32-bit version 3.16.39 (200743)
    root@2FeMediaCentre:/home/osmc# grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release

    Any advise would be appreciated.

    Talking from New Zealand.


  10. Bruno Briner

    @mvanbaak I grabbed a spare sd card and installed LibreElec (Kodi 17.5),, BRPlay and InputStream only for testing in one of my RPi2. struggles to fetch the videos, i.e. takes quite long with some videos (main the full ones) returning sometimes error and sometimes working fine. -BRPlay on the other hand is faster and worked 10 out of 10 times I tried, I only tried in "Auto".

    @nandogameiro I may try as well with OSMC but I have no time now. If you can, I ask you to try with LibreElec 7 and 8 too.

  11. Johnny Depp

    Same "Error creating demuxer" problem on my side. RPi2 or 3, libreelec 7.03. Let's see if upgrading the whole thing to the just released LE8 will make a difference.

    17:43:19.046 T:1536422816  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/play/6295456" matches rule for function "play"
    17:43:25.823 T:1536422816 WARNING: [xbmcswift2] No converter provided, unicode should be used, but returning str value
    17:43:31.903 T:1962075248 WARNING: Previous line repeats 5 times.
    17:43:31.903 T:1962075248  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
    17:43:31.903 T:1962075248 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    17:43:32.210 T:1389360032  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    17:43:33.237 T:1389360032  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    17:43:33.237 T:1389360032   ERROR: CCurlFile::GetCookies - invalid cookie: '        FALSE   /       FALSE   1511023713      locksession     '
    ******** 17:44:03.408 T:1389360032   ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer 
    17:44:03.409 T:1389360032  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    17:44:03.409 T:1962075248   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]
    17:44:05.350 T:1962075248  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    17:44:05.350 T:1962075248  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    17:44:05.350 T:1962075248  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
    17:44:05.351 T:1962075248  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    17:44:05.351 T:1962075248  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    17:44:05.351 T:1962075248  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
  12. Michiel van Baak reporter

    @bruno_briner I installed BRplay and enabled InputStream.Adaptive and this works perfectly. (Set the quality to "Auto" in BRPlay settings)

    While I would like to use the plugin, right now I switched to BRPlay as it's the only one that works for us here in The Netherlands. Maybe you can find the fix with these tips?

  13. Bruno Briner

    @mvanbaak The truth is that nowadays there is no reason not to switch completely from to BRPlay. In the past the only reason to stick with was that it could resolve MP4 videos that made the player to play the video at the same time it was downloading, making it more adequate for slower internet speeds and easier to forward and reverse as it was using the Kodi buffer, but now it is not working anymore and as far as I could track down the MP4 video themselves were removed from Globo servers.

    The only reason I haven't completely abandoned yet is that I have my favorite Globo programs in a "Super Favourites" addon window and as I am still using LE7 (Jarvis) they are still working extremely well, after all "if it ain't broke don't fix it" :)

  14. Michiel van Baak reporter

    Entendi. obrigado pelo plugin! vou mudar pra BRPlay então. Ta funcionando bem perfeito aqui no Holanda.

  15. Yuri Teixeira

    On my raspberry pi 2 (with Retropie 4.3 + Kody Krypton), the experience is really inconsistent for me. Even following the settings above reporting success (enabling inputstream.adaptative, making sure bandwidth is set to auto, etc...) didn't give me consistent success, specially with inputstream adaptative (before, it worked for some globo channels but now, it fails all the time)

    18:24:12.848 T:1945526944  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
    18:24:12.848 T:1945526944 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    18:24:13.094 T:1312814000  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    18:24:13.195 T:1312814000   ERROR: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Invalid / not given inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type
    18:24:13.196 T:1312814000   ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening []
    18:24:13.196 T:1312814000  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    18:24:13.198 T:1945526944   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://

    And here it is when inputstream.adaptive is disabled

    18:43:34.468 T:1363145648  NOTICE: DECRYPTOR: Native PyCrypto
    18:43:35.149 T:1312814000 WARNING: COMXImageFile::GetCodingType progressive images not supported by decoder
    18:43:36.389 T:1312814000 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    18:43:36.389 T:1312814000  NOTICE: LoadJpeg: unable to load
    18:43:39.555 T:1945526944  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
    18:43:39.556 T:1945526944 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    18:43:39.802 T:1470100400  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    18:43:40.916 T:1470100400  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    18:43:40.917 T:1470100400   ERROR: CCurlFile::GetCookies - invalid cookie: '      FALSE   /       FALSE     1515347320      locksession     '
    18:44:11.348 T:1470100400   ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
    18:44:11.348 T:1470100400  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    18:44:11.352 T:1945526944   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]
    18:44:11.354 T:1945526944  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    18:44:11.355 T:1945526944  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    18:44:11.355 T:1945526944  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
    18:44:11.355 T:1945526944  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    18:44:11.356 T:1945526944  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    18:44:11.356 T:1945526944  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting

    One example when it works:

    18:45:32.138 T:1329591216  NOTICE: DECRYPTOR: Native PyCrypto
    18:45:35.846 T:1945526944  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:
    18:45:35.846 T:1945526944 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    18:45:36.099 T:1287648176  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    18:45:37.214 T:1287648176  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    18:45:37.216 T:1287648176   ERROR: CCurlFile::GetCookies - invalid cookie: '      FALSE   /       FALSE     1515347437      locksession     '
    18:46:07.389 T:1287648176  NOTICE: Opening stream: 11 source: 256
    18:46:07.451 T:1287648176  NOTICE: Creating video thread
    18:46:07.452 T:1287648176  NOTICE: Opening stream: 10 source: 256
    18:46:07.456 T:1287648176  NOTICE: Creating audio thread
    18:46:09.948 T:1287648176  NOTICE: OMXClock using audio as reference

    Setup details:

     cat /etc/os-release
    PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"
    NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
    VERSION="8 (jessie)"
    pi at yuri-pi in ~
     uname -a
    Linux yuri-pi 4.9.35-v7+ #1014 SMP Fri Jun 30 14:47:43 BST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux
     cat /proc/cpuinfo
    processor       : 0
    model name      : ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
    BogoMIPS        : 38.40
    Features        : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm
    CPU implementer : 0x41
    CPU architecture: 7
    CPU variant     : 0x0
    CPU part        : 0xc07
    CPU revision    : 5
    processor       : 1
    model name      : ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
    BogoMIPS        : 38.40
    Features        : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm
    CPU implementer : 0x41
    CPU architecture: 7
    CPU variant     : 0x0
    CPU part        : 0xc07
    CPU revision    : 5
    processor       : 2
    model name      : ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
    BogoMIPS        : 38.40
    Features        : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm
    CPU implementer : 0x41
    CPU architecture: 7
    CPU variant     : 0x0
    CPU part        : 0xc07
    CPU revision    : 5
    processor       : 3
    model name      : ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
    BogoMIPS        : 38.40
    Features        : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm
    CPU implementer : 0x41
    CPU architecture: 7
    CPU variant     : 0x0
    CPU part        : 0xc07
    CPU revision    : 5
    Hardware        : BCM2835
    Revision        : a01041
    Serial          : 000000006cfd9d28
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