Playback failed for all Rede Globo videos

Issue #52 invalid
Michiel van Baak created an issue

Hi all,

Since yesterday I am unable to watch any video from Rede Globo. As soon as I open one I get:

Invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

Any idea?

PS: I do not know if it worked before yesterday, but I know for sure earlier this week it worked perfectly.

Comments (7)

  1. Michiel van Baak reporter

    Sorry, let me give some details:

    osmc on raspberry pi 2. Latest version of the plugin 0.1.15 (installed with auto-update)

    Tried Altas Horas and Verdadeiras Secretas

  2. Michiel van Baak reporter

    I reinstalled the plugin (SD card corruption in my raspberry) and I have no problems at all. Sorry for the noise.

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