Some Videos no playing - para assinantes

Issue #7 closed
Former user created an issue

Vitor, really great piece of work, so congrats first of all. I wanted to report that some videos from globo+ are not playing. While I can play 98% of the videos, I have been getting a script failed ( message once in a while with specifc videos. The most recent is the big Brother - para assinantes from 23rd Feb 2014. I'm sure if you try to play it now, you should get an error message as well. I'm running the latest versions of your add on. I can not find a pattern on what video files will generate an error.



Comments (8)

  1. Vitor Hirota repo owner

    There are some videos that lack the metadata needed to fill xbmc fields (like name, duration, resources, etc). I'll try to fall back on the info the 'parent' video has in order to prevent the items to be unplayable.

    Just to let you know, the ETA on this will be mid March.

  2. Elber Ribeiro

    Victor, just so you know, I do not get the issue anymore after moving to the latest version .4 I could not see the relation, but it worked!

  3. Vitor Hirota repo owner

    If it's working, it's because Globo has fixed the video information on the service.

    If you do find other videos with this behavior, please post the name/ids here so I can use them as test data.

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