/vendor/chromium/crx resources not available to app

Issue #3 resolved
Roberto Andrade created an issue

According to the instructions in Github, any additional files placed under /vendor/chromium/crx should be made available to the app.

I was wondering where these are placed if at all as I could not locate them by browsing the file system via adb shell. All logical places I could think of: /data/data/<package.name>/ or /sdcard/Android/data/<package.name>/ didn't show anything.

Comments (2)

  1. Roberto Andrade reporter

    I actually found the answer to my own question. Apparently the same directory structure from the extension (/vendor/chromium/crx) is available as part of the root filesystem on the Android environment, and all files as such are available there. I guess it just wasn't clear from the description in the README.

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