
voipibuchsskil Hon matchmaking leaver percentage

Created by voipibuchsskil

Comments (1)

  1. voipibuchsskil

    Hon matchmaking leaver percentage

    ♥♥♥ Link: Hon matchmaking leaver percentage

    I am constantly matched vs 1x 1800mmr, 2x 1700 mmr and 2x smurfs, while my team has myself has their best ranked guy: 1550mmr or so. If the people don't want to stay they can always leave too anyway. For example, matchmakihg an account has only 1 game played and left that game, then the account will have 100% leave, yet this account can still join matchmaking because of percenyage "low game count leave ban override. The ammount of insults is just as bad, I played a 60 minute game while being called retard at least once per minute. A few unintentional, the remainder just out of pure necessity. Oh wait, now I see their perspective. So it's not broken and still good as it be. They are filled with smurfs because you need lvl3 to play ranked games hon matchmaking leaver percentage tri-laning mid retards. Do leaves in unranked hon matchmaking leaver percentage count towards your leaver percentage and why does matchmaking keep resetting to unranked every time. This broken system seriously needs revision Heh and your own fault for intentionally leaving one game to begin with. matchmwking My 2, worthless, cents. I would say 5% is pushing it but almost a fair number, where I think 1 every 50-100 games should be acceptable. At least you accept the consequences of your actions, you're not asking them to be removed. Even HoN was a 5% or so leave restriction before action was taken. I saved myself the time, the frustration, and gave the opposition a quicker win. I get back up, noticed i was reported for ruining a game by idling. When you leave in a bot game, it's still fair, the bots will reduce their numbers to match the players. The fact of the matter though, is that i've played about 20 matches so far, with 2 leaves. Don't worry about it, Whiskas, just keep playing. I'd always used it as a way to play a match when I didn't know for sure whether or not I was pedcentage to have to leave soon. Early in the game, i go idle for 5 minutes hoon anwser the door or should i have already calculated the chances of someone ringing the doorbell between 10 and 11 am before starting up Dota? If anytyhing, your input in this is utter garbage I had 3 abandons in 50 games. Then I checked on their stats, apparently people with over 5% leave rates are all over the match making system. Yet again, i'm on the penalty timer, and this time because i was solo queuing and ended up as the filler for a 4 man russian team. No, the fact that you seem to either be used to it, or enjoying it is fine.


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