pressing backspace to self-destruct crashes the game

Issue #41 resolved
VoxelStorm Bug Submitter created an issue

Submitted by slowriot from IRC (slowriot on

Comments (16)

  1. Riot

    Can you confirm which version that's with? The debug console window should give a full version info at startup.

  2. Daniel Solie

    I do believe this is the info you are looking for.

    "SoundStorm: PortAudio V19-devel (built Aug 5 2015 09:26:42) build 1899"

  3. Riot

    Nope, that's our sound system's version. How about the version for sphereface itself? May be a few lines down.

  4. Daniel Solie

    This is all I have here. This it here? "GL version major 4 minor 5 revision 0 API 196609 profile 204802"

    LanguageStorm: Default language is British English (en_GB).
    SoundStorm: PortAudio V19-devel (built Aug  5 2015 09:26:42) build 1899
      0 Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input Ch 2in 0out 44100Hz [in only]
      1 Microphone (Realtek High Defini Ch 2in 0out 44100Hz [sysdef in] [apidef in] [in only]
      2 Microsoft Sound Mapper - Output Ch 0in 2out 44100Hz [out only]
     *3 Speakers (Realtek High Definiti Ch 0in 2out 44100Hz [sysdef out] [apidef out] [out only]
      4 Realtek Digital Output (Realtek Ch 0in 2out 44100Hz [out only]
    SoundStorm: Initialised.
    ParticleSystem: Heap usage:          38MB
    ParticleSystem: System memory usage: 48MB (21GB avail. of 23GB total)
    Initialising universe...
    New FOV ratio: 5.67128
    SoundStorm: Starting streamer thread...
    Game launched.
    Loading high score from
    High score loaded successfully: 919
    Starting sphereFACE version Beta 5.7.5105.28294 master:d6d9066
    MemoryStorm: Stack available 1MB
    MemoryStorm: Physical usage 48MB, 21GB available of 23GB
    MemoryStorm: Virtual usage 65MB, 24GB available of 27GB
    Initialising graphics...
    Oculus: Initialising Oculus Rift...
    Oculus: Device not found
    Oculus: Sensor not found
    Monitors: 1
    Monitor 0 (primary)
      Name: Generic PnP Monitor
      Physical size: 382 215
      Position: 0 0
      Mode: 1920 1080 60
    GL_VERSION:                  4.5.0 NVIDIA 353.54
    GL_VENDOR:                   NVIDIA Corporation
    GL_RENDERER:                 GeForce GTX 980M/PCIe/SSE2
    GL version major 4 minor 5 revision 0 API 196609 profile  204802
    GL antialiasing mode: 8 buffers: 1, samples: 8
    GL depth buffer: 24 bits
  5. Riot

    The key line there is Starting sphereFACE version Beta 5.7.5105.28294 master:d6d9066 - I agree it's not exactly obvious. By the way, nice RAM :) Thanks for the report, we'll have a look at this.

  6. Riot

    I am unable to reproduce - I start the game, press backspace, everything works as intended. Can you confirm exact steps to reproduce, operating system, any controllers attached etc?

  7. Daniel Solie

    I am using a wireless logitech keyboard (and mouse) on Windows 10, I start the game, press backspace and it crashes. Also on any level any time. It did work on the previous beta release normally.

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