A sub-task should not be moved under another sub-task

Issue #11 new
Reetesh Kumar created an issue


We are using JIRA version 6.3.12 and "Bulk Move Subtasks Jira Add-on" plugin version 2.5.

We created an issue of type issue (ASP-24266) and three sub-tasks, Two of type Task (ASP-25430 and ASP-25428) and one of type Test (ASP-25429). We are able to move sub-tasks to another story in the same project.

We observed that we can move one sub-task of type Task to another sub-task of type task. For example there are two sub-tasks ASP-25430 (Sub Task to move) and ASP-25428 (Sub Task to move without attachment) of type Task under issue ASP-24266. During unit testing, when we tried to move the sub-task ASP-25430 to another sub-task ASP-25428 then it gets successfully moved (Screenshot Sub-Task_Moved_Under_SubTask.png and Subtask_Under_Story.png).

We have also noticed that "Move All Sub-tasks" option is started to appear in the task ASP-25428 (Screenshot MoveAllSub-tasks_OptionInTask.png)

Ideally, a sub-task should not be moved under another sub-task. Please suggest.

Thanks Reetesh

Comments (8)

  1. Reetesh Kumar reporter


    We are planning to roll out this plugin this weekend on our production environment. So we want this issue fixed before that. Can you please let us know that by when can we get the fix of this issue?



  2. Satyam Roy


    This is still an existing issue in the plugin and violates one of the major functionality of the plugin. Is there any plan about when this issue will get fixed ?

    Thanks, Satyam

  3. Renjith Pillai repo owner
    • Sub-tasks cannot be moved under a sub-task. JIRA does not allow this.
    • And none of the screenshots reflect such a situation in the reported bug. ASP-25428 is a first level task now (it's not a sub-task as per the screenshot) (Looks like ASP-25428 was previously converted to a main task in your tests)
    • In fact I am unable to understand what exactly is the problem that you are facing.
    • 'Move All Sub-Tasks' menu item should appear for all first level issues.
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