WARN [votecomments] Get comment request ignored

Issue #4 new
Adolfo Casari created an issue

I see in the jira logs 00s of entries like these (the numbers change in each):

/rest/api/latest/issue/undefined?=1376494248187 ajax GET /rest/handlecomments/latest/hdata/commentdata?issueid=undefined&=1376494248187 ajax GET

WARN [votecomments] Get comment request ignored

All those request return 404 (not found)

Is this related to this plugin? I installed once and then uninstalled it.

This is Jira 6.0

Thanks in advance.

Comments (4)

  1. Renjith Pillai repo owner

    I will check this. Is this happening when you access view issue page or other pages?

  2. Martin Brassard

    I don't know if that will help but we had a similar issue. The problem was linked to the View Voters and Watchers permission. Somehow, the user needs to have that permission for the commentdata to succeed.

    As a workaround and to prevent logs being flooded, we added all users to that permission. That stopped the log flooding.

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