JIRA comment "replies" do not close after being submitted

Issue #29 resolved
Pete Fisher created an issue

We just upgraded to the plugin version 1.15 yesterday and today we noticed anytime the "reply" functionality for a comment is used it causes the browser window to hang. There are a few warnings/errors in the web dev console. Although the comment reply doesn't appear to have been submitted it does and this can be verified by refreshing the page. Clicking the "Add" button multiple times will usually cause multiple replies of the same text

Using JIRA Server v6.4

Here's a video: http://screencast.com/t/KNM3QngFjb

The JIRA Log Analyzer detected the following error 84 times: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/noclassdeffounderror-classnotfoundexception-or-nosuchmethodexception-due-to-incompatible-plugin-278069832.html?utm_medium=logScan&utm_source=STP

batch.js?locale=en-US:177 POST 
https://jira.jira/rest/handlecomments/latest/hdata/addcomment 500
 (Internal Server Error) send 
@ batch.js?locale=en-US:177ajax 
@ batch.js?locale=en-US:171replyCommentAdd 
@ batch.js?agile_global_admin_condition=true&jag=true&jag_disabled_marketing=true&jaguser=true&tempo_:2274dispatch 
@ batch.js?locale=en-US:84i 
@ batch.js?locale=en-US:76

Since this is disruptive we are going to just revert back to 1.14 for now until the issue is resolved. Thanks!

Comments (14)

  1. Renjith Pillai repo owner
    • changed status to resolved
    • edited description

    Version mismatch might have caused this. Please reopen if this is still an issue

  2. Renjith Pillai repo owner

    Pete, I am not sure if I can support JIRA 6.x. Please see if you suggest any correction or please upgrade to latest JIRA.


    Regards, Renjith

  3. Krzysztof Kuczyński

    Hello, Renjith on Your site is writed that Your plugin Support JIRA 6.0 to 7.3.8 Is it possible to fix this bug for jira 6.4.x? I've JIRA 6.4.14 with Threaded Comments for JIRA 1.18 and I've this same problem.

  4. Jay Pasic

    We have Jira 6.3.15 and the bug occurs with versions 1.9 through 1.19 of the plug-in. We have downgraded plug-in to 1.8 for the time being.

  5. Ruby Paasche


    Jira 7 hasn't this issue and Jira 6 isn't supported anymore. So I think this Issue can be closed.

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