Support Scrum-Board Side-Panel

Issue #42 resolved
Ruby Paasche created an issue

The comments are not reordered on the side-panel of scum-boards/backlog preview.

The "replay" is not shown on this pages, too.

Comments (13)

  1. JAM Software GmbH JIRA Administration

    This also affects the Kanban board view. Comments are not shown in a threaded way, but in cronological order. This destroys the context of comments and might even lead to an unwanted meaning.

  2. Ruby Paasche reporter

    Right, it is already supported in the Branch "support-scrum-board-side-panel". I hope to find time to finish it.

  3. JAM Software GmbH JIRA Administration

    Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, we cannot support you with development, but if there is something else to support you like testing it in our environment, we are very happy. Looking forward to using this great add-on.

  4. Ruby Paasche reporter

    I indeed need testing help.

    The version 1.27-SNAPSHOT (under downloads on the Side-Panel) includes:

    • comments on boards (scrum and kanban)
    • admin-page to enable or disable threaded comments and comment voting globaly
    • admin-page to enable threaded comments and comment voting per project (if globaly disabled)

    Should be compatible with Jira 7.2 - 7.13 (Uploading the plugin my required restarting Jira, it was the case on my test-instances)

  5. JAM Software GmbH JIRA Administration

    Thanks Robert, we are happy to test it. Do I remember it correctly that disabling the plugin again is possible without losing any data (except for the reply context, naturally)? We will give it a try in our production system. I will keep you updated the next days. All the best, Richard

  6. Ruby Paasche reporter

    Yeah that's still be correct. The reply context is not lost permanently, if you enable the plugin again it will be there again.

  7. JAM Software GmbH JIRA Administration

    Hi Robert, thanks again for your work. First quick reply:

    • in board view: changing the comments sort order (via the arrow button) removes the threaded rendering
    • in board view: while adding new comments, at one point the threaded rendering disappeared. Not predictable; could not find a repro yet. Will keep an eye open

    More tests will come. If you prefer individual issues for bug reports, let me know. All the best, Richard

  8. Ruby Paasche reporter

    Listen good, I'm already use this Version in production environment and only positives feedback was collected.

    I would handle your finding as an Improvement.

    @vrenjith PR #9 is production ready (supports Jira 7.3.0+)

  9. Ruby Paasche reporter

    @jamjiraadmins There is no event fired on changing the sort order, so I can't bin the actions. It is currently not possible to provide the feature to restore the thread after reordering.

  10. JAM Software GmbH JIRA Administration

    Thanks for the info @Rpaasche. And sorry, did not find the time to test this in production yet.

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