Reply button shows twice on random posts

Issue #60 new
eyeo-Atlassian Online License created an issue

We experienced that the reply button appears twice below a comment occasionally.

If you reload the page, it disappears mysteriously and shows up on a different one.

It’s happening for comments with threads and stand-alone comments.

We’re running Jira version v8.9.0 and plugin version 1.27.4

I attached an image where it’s actual happening.

Specifically one user reported something similar:

“I just had a situation where I went to reply to a thread grandparent an ticket, I saw two "Reply" links, and clicked an arbitrary one (because I can't tell what the difference is)

After typing in my reply, and clicking Add, nothing would happen. The browser F12 console had messages like:

Source map error: request failed with status 404
Source Map URL:;

I went back, saved my text manually, clicked the other Reply, and then that one worked”

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