valid username in federation

Issue #11 resolved
Former user created an issue

i have read this : The username is limited to printable UTF-8 with whitespace and the following characters excluded: <*,>' - Stellar Developer Doc but i do not understand what exactly are UTF-8 characters as i know that some letters that are not a-z are included in utf-8. can you show me an example for regex that uses their limits? Thanks

Comments (2)

  1. Francois Rejete repo owner

    I meant unicode characters. So anything is valid, in any language, outside of the stated characters.

    Example of valid usernames:

    • francois
    • françois
    • フランソワ
    • 山田太郎
    • 최민식
    • อุรัสยา-เสปอร์บันด์
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