Federation Error

Issue #2 invalid
Dave created an issue

I've followed the guidance on Stellar official documentation as below to edit my toml just like the example. (using my own domain ofcourse)

Add a FEDERATION_SERVER section to your stellar.toml file that tells other people the URL of your federation endpoint.

For example: FEDERATION_SERVER="https://api.yourdomain.com/federation"

But when doing the federation test, it always shows up msgs below. How could I fix it to complete my federation setting?

Federation Error Could not connect to server at https://api.tradewise.technology/federation

Comments (4)

  1. Francois Rejete repo owner

    Hello Dave,

    I do not see your domain api.tradwise.technology registered in StellarID.io, are you a registered user?

    Regards, Francois

  2. Francois Rejete repo owner

    I'm sorry but what does this have to do with StellarID.io and/or Federation?

    If you need help with Stellarterm, please open an issue in their project tracker.

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