Failed to load config from

Issue #2 new
Former user created an issue

PHP Error: Failed to load config from /var/www/webmail/plugins/force_password_change/ in /var/www/webmail/program/include/rcube_plugin.php on line 113 (GET /?task=mail&_action=list&_mbox=INBOX&_refresh=1&_remote=1&_unlock=loading1520324292579&=1520324292582)

Please suggest.

Comments (3)

  1. wainlake repo owner

    Please check your config file first, or you can take a snapshot with it for me, thanks.

  2. ashish

    root@mail:/var/www/webmail/plugins/force_password_change# cat <?php

    // Force password change Plugin options // ----------------------- // control enable the plugin or not // Default is false $config['force_password_change'] = true;

    // Default password change interval (in days). // value must be an integer number. // Default is 90 (90 days) $config['force_password_change_interval'] = 90;

  3. ashish

    password plugin working fine. I am able to change my password from plugin. $rcmail_config['password_driver'] = 'ldap';

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