E-mail to SMS

Issue #6 resolved
darek created an issue


Are you going to make gateway in opposite direction, ie. sending SMS based on email?

Best Regards Darek

Comments (6)

  1. Anton Butsyk repo owner

    I assume that, Email message (RFC 5321, RFC 1870 SIZE extension) comes from SMTP client to custom SMTP server then to SMS server then to DWG device (Email -> SMS server -> DWG hardware)

    Questions: 1. How to inform about success/fail delivery? 2. How to select port to send (0-n Sim card)?

  2. Anton Butsyk repo owner

    There are two new options in config.py: SMTPD_HOST = '' # IP address where to listen for smtp incoming connections SMTPD_PORT = 2525 # Smtp port

    if they are not empty then smserver will listen for SMTP connections on SMTPD_PORT

    In docs/ folder there is an smtpclient.py example of the smtp client. You can use it or any other. Smtp fields: to: phone_number up to 24 bytes message = text to send - 1340 chars

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