Photos Saving in Extra Folders

Issue #59 resolved
Rachel created an issue

I love the app, but every time I upload an image, it creates a new folder for that particular image in my gallery. I recently cleaned up the 30+ extra folders in my gallery, and that removed all the photos from the app! Can you please allow photo uploads to be stored within the app? Or at least to store in a single folder on the phone called MotherHen instead of new folders?

The photos are necessary for me to use this, but not only do I now have to re-do all of my images, but it will also clog up my phone; it's frustrating and doesn't work well for me because of this issue.

Comments (13)

  1. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    What kind of phone are you using? I'm guessing you are using an Android phone because the iPhone version does not put pictures in a place visible outside the app.

    The app is already built to store photos in Pictures/MotherHen/<bird_id>, like you are suggesting. I'm wondering if your gallery app is detecting a new folder deeper in the tree and showing it as a top-level folder? I can see if I can test this out in an emulator if you can tell me what you are using.

    I can potentially move them to an app-specific area, but I assumed I was doing people a favor by letting them have access to the pictures directly, outside the app.

  2. Rachel reporter

    After deleting the extra folders, and all images disappearing from the app, I moved all my chicken photos from Camera to a new folder on my Gallery called "Chickens". I then re-uploaded to there. It did not create any new folders this time and upon deleting the folder "Chickens", the images now remain in the app. All looks good now, it was just the first time around with all my images pulled from Camera folder it seems?

  3. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    Are you using the built in image gallery app that comes with Android or a third-party app? Also do you know if it is running Android 8.0 (Oreo)? Or is it on 7.0 (Nougat) yet?

  4. Rachel reporter

    I'm no longer experiencing issues. :) Not sure if you want to leave open still to test for other potential android users.

  5. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    Yeah, I think I want to test this out yet to make sure other people don't run into the same thing.

  6. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    Are you running the latest update that went out yesterday/today? I added some code that was supposed to keep the media scanner from scanning those folders

  7. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    To be more specific, the new version should place an empty file named ".nomedia" in the directory with the pictures. According to the Android developer documentation, this is supposed to keep the media scanner from scanning the folder.

    It appears that Samsung provides a different gallery app that the one Google provides, so, while I did test it with Google's gallery, and that behaved correctly, in my research I have seen some reports across the net that the Samsung Gallery sometimes ignores the .nomedia marker and indexes the folder anyway

    I currently am looking for a way to get access to a Galaxy S8 device or emulator so that I can test it

  8. Rachel reporter

    Wonderful! I just updated. All my photos were corrupted for some reason in those individual folders so i had to remove and replace them for the flock members. However, everything looks good so far and the new features are great! Photos uploaded fine with no new folders. Thank you.

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