Set Connection Icon in Top Bar to Indicate Connection Status

Issue #104 resolved
Evan Magaliff created an issue

The little wire icon in the top bar above the map/sidebar panel does not currently display the connection status. Having it change when connected or disconnected (i.e. a plugged in or out) icon would add a good visual indicator of connection status without having to check the connections list.

Comments (7)

  1. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    I’ve thought about creating an indicator like this, but I was wondering what you would expect the indicator to look like if only some connections are connected. Should the indicator light up if one or more connections are active? Do we distinguish between APRS-type connections and GPS connections? My concern is that it might give users a false sense of status. i.e. if the indicator is active because you APRS-IS connection is active, you might not be aware that your radio is not working. An argument could be made that even partially accurate information might be better than none

  2. Evan Magaliff reporter

    Two indicators could be useful: one for APRS and other for GPS. Each would have their own icon and a green dot if they have at least 1 active connection? Anything more is probably too much information.

  3. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    I am thinking that the indicators will probably be added to the local station info panel near the I/O graph, since that is an alternate way of displaying of connection status. However, I realize that sometimes you may have an active connection that isn’t receiving any packets, so there likely needs to be some other way of seeing that. I’m just trying to decide what form the indicators will take; should there be separate indicators for each connection, or can they be grouped together by type? i.e. if you have 2 RF connections, do you see them separately, or is there just one “RF” light.

    I am planning on handling GPS differently. I already have a feature planned for the traditional GPS satellite circle plot. That should serve as a pretty good indicator of GPS status, to be able to see whether the GPS has a 2D or 3D fix.

  4. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    (Cleaning up old tickets)

    I think the spirit of this request has likely been satisfied by the indicator numbers in the legend below the connection graph. If not, please feel free to open a new ticket describing what improvements you would like

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