w8wjb.com license download - wordpress error "There has been a critical error on this website."

Issue #74 resolved
Joerg Schultze-Lutter created an issue

I placed the license order with the discount code and received the mail with the license download link. When I click on that link for downloading the license, the following screen appears:

URL: (license ‘key’ info was partially removed)


Comments (4)

  1. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    Looks like it was failing because it didn’t like “State / County” being empty when generating the Certificate Signing Request. I changed the code so that it will omit it from the Subject if it is empty. You should be able to download it now.

  2. Joerg Schultze-Lutter reporter

    Confirmed; it’s working now. For countries such as Germany, the “state” field is automatically suppressed on the site’s URL - so even if that field would have been mandatory, I wouldn’t have been able to input any data. Anyway, issue seems to be fixed. Cheers.

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