Setting Path Manually

Issue #79 resolved
David Armbruster created an issue

Path is set using the path profile and it’s not obvious what each selection gives you for path, which of course is just something that needs documentation. In any case it might be nice to have an option to set path manually.

Comments (2)

  1. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    So, the selections in the dropdown correlate almost exactly to the yellow box titled “Today's recommended universal path settings under the "New Paradigm" are” on APRS Digipeating and Path Selection 101. I should replicate some of that content in the help file as well.

    Overall, my goal was to make pathing something that the average QTH user just doesn’t need to understand or worry about. However, I definitely see the value in adding an “expert” option, that would allow someone to set the path manually.

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