Start menu

Issue #5 resolved
Skamandros created an issue

Let the player start in a main menu where they can select whether they want to play single or multiplayer.

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Schneider

    The menu is done! There are 5 sections, each with some boxes to click.

    The singleplayer-section handles all current AIs. With a click on the specified box the player starts a game versus the AI.

    The option-section below the singleplayer-section has currently 2 options: turn sound or music on or off.

    The multiplayer-section has a box for creating a new game and for changing the players name.

    The open-games-section lists all current playernames, that wait for another player to join.

    The running-games-section lists all currently running games, so that the player could observe them.

    Every box gets highlighted, as long as the mouse hovers over it. The options can be clicked and are then additionally turned "off" and "on" represented by the ligher or darker color. The heights of all boxes will be updated, if more boxes appear in the section.

    The game can be closed by pressing [ESC]

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