Unable to establish connection between Mac device and Windows device

Issue #11 new
Rishi Gautam created an issue


Your demo is awesome, but i am having a problem which is when i am trying to connect mac device and windows device using webRTC it is not working.

I am operating on chrome on both devices. One is OS X 10.8 and other is Windows 8.

Please suggest me where i am going wrong with this.

Comments (4)

  1. Sam Dutton repo owner

    This should work. Can you connect with services such as apprtc.appspot.com, or appear.in?

  2. Rishi Gautam reporter

    Yes i am able to connect with those services and now i am able to connect with the your demo as well but audio is terrible.

    Please help me.

  3. Rishi Gautam reporter

    Yes problem is same. I am unable to figure out how to solve it. I have tried to change frquency of audio codec, doesn't help me very much.

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