404 (Not Found)

Issue #1 resolved
gaurav kumar mishra created an issue

i am using XAMPP on Mac to run this but in console i see 404 (Not Found)

how to get rid of this error

Comments (10)

  1. Sam Dutton repo owner

    Apologies if you've done this already, but did you install with Node Package Manager?

    Run the following from a terminal in your app directory:

    npm install

  2. gaurav kumar mishra reporter

    i have installed npm install but problem i that <script src='/'></script>

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    as browser is unable to find '' i have to do some setting ?

    note: installed path is "/Users/ais/node_modules/" 2:i am using XAMPP to run code "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/step5"

  3. Sam Dutton repo owner

    Are you running this from the port specified in server.js?

    For example, for step 5 and 6:


  4. Sam Dutton repo owner

    For steps 5, 6 and 7, you need to run the server app server.js on Node -- not xampp (or some other server) used by the earlier steps. I should be clearer about that in the instructions -- apologies!

    Make sure you've followed all these steps in the instructions for step 5 (you can leave your xampp server running, but for this step make sure to open the address localhost:2013):


    Using the code from the step 5 directory, run the server (server.js). To start the server, run the following command from a terminal in your application directory:

    node server.js


    From your browser, open localhost:2013. Open a new tab page or window in any browser and open localhost:2013 again, then repeat. 3.

    To see what's happening, check the Chrome DevTools console (Command-Option-J, or Ctrl-Shift-J).

    Hope that works!

  5. Priyanka

    Hello..Can i get any help ? I have installed using npm install but too i am not getting 8th step correct.When i open localhost:8080 in two tabs i don't get two video elements.What is the issues ? <script src='/'></script> i cannot find anywhere in my app folder.

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