Update 7 question

Issue #12 new
Yeray Santana created an issue

Hello Sam,

I'm triying to create a webrtc app between two users from diferents PCs. The problem is that when I try to access from a IP direction, the server shows the next error: 'XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://computeengineondemand.appspot.com/turn?username=41784574&key=4080218913. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access'. I imagine that the stun server has active the CORS policy.

Is it posible to access from diferents IPs (not only from localhost)? Does this mean that I have to implement my own stun server?

Thanks for your help.

Comments (3)

  1. Adrian Lynch

    I had the same issue.

    I'm trying to video chat with people sat next to me. I'm using the code from step 7. I get the CORS error in the console but it still works.

    I find the app to be brittle if you deviate from these steps:

    • Start the server
    • Open the app via an IP the other person can access
    • Allow GUM access
    • Tell the other user to request the app
    • Allow GUM access

    Anything else failed.

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