No remoteVideo in Firefox

Issue #14 new
stevelott created an issue

When using your examples in Firefox I get no remoteVideo. In chrome all works fine. Unfortunately I get no error message, neither on server nor on client side.

Maybe this bug is related to Issue #9.



Comments (6)

  1. Jean-francois Garreau

    Finally I found a solution ! you have to pass a fallback method for error callback, just passing null doesn't work !

  2. Jean-francois Garreau

    In the createOfer and createAnswer method in the codelab, we passed 3 parameters

    1. The localDescription callback
    2. null (for the error callback)
    3. the constraints of the offer / answer

    The method I talk is the null, in firefox, we have to passed a method like function(errror){...} just passing null will cause a problem and the remote video will not be show on screen.

    Is it more clear ?

  3. Unknown Name

    I have the same issue but i already use in createAnswer / createOffer function and not null. I see in about:webrtc that remote Candidate isn't set it my app work perfect in all other cases only call from firefox to chrome doesn't work. There is any idea?

    examples for anwser : remotePeerConnection.createAnswer(gotDescription, onCreateSessionDescriptionError, sdpConstraints);

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