Re-connect Step 7

Issue #15 new
Jeremie Larve created an issue


Really new to WebRTC (and js), i'm working on samples. I did step 7 with RTCPeerConnection + RTCDataChannel + signaling (at the moment, without understanding in depth everything ... but i do my best)

But i have a problem i cant solve. I launch server. Then i start first peer. Then i start second peer. everything is ok for video, audio and data.

Then i stop second peer and restart it. At this point, connection is not re-etablished. I have to stop server, restart it and restart the two peers.

I tried some changes but not working. Could you please help me to find a solution ?

best regards

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Wang

    Well I guess the server is limit for just 2 peers for one chat room. If you disconnect one of them, the server will still keep the peer count as 2, so next peer try to connect will receive a msg like "room is full".

    You might try to refresh the page to get another new room number. See if it works.

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