step 8 few querie

Issue #5 resolved
gaurav kumar mishra created an issue

we have to run node server.js in begning which server,js should i use for this ? how can i get number of client online in this tep

Comments (5)

  1. Sam Dutton repo owner

    Step 8 uses the SimpleWebRTC library: you don't need to set up your own signaling server.

    For multiple peers, try connecting to the same room name. (Take a look at to see multiple connections in action.)

  2. gaurav kumar mishra reporter

    ok thats great , Now if i want to restrict number of user`s online in particular room or restrict number of user in room how to do this

  3. Sam Dutton repo owner

    Not sure with the SimpleWebRTC code -- but should be able to tweak the server JavaScript to only allow a certain number.

  4. gaurav kumar mishra reporter

    but should be able to tweak the server JavaScript to only allow a certain number.

    how can u give some hints ??

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