extended tutorial

Issue #6 resolved
Justin Hart created an issue

Great tutorial - thanks. In case its of use to you Sam (or anyone else), I've created a fork here: https://bitbucket.org/jshart/codelab/ with some additional code added at the end of the tutorial. This includes my own interpretation of the datachannel challenge posed in step 7 and I've integrated http://getbootstrap.com/ as a way to make the UI a little tidier. I've also made the instant message app (using datachannel) a little neater.

If I get some more time, I'll look at posting updates (more add on steps to Sams work) to cover n-way sessions and maybe look at desktop shares. Thanks again for the tutorial...

Comments (2)

  1. Sam Dutton repo owner

    Wow, that's great -- I'll take a proper look at your fork.

    n-way sessions

    Yes -- this is a hot topic.

    Patches/issues also welcome!


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