Not working

Issue #8 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I something build, directory is created in location which is defined, but in folder is nothing, content is clear. When i go window -> DotPeek, I get nothing, only log with path to directory in Debug log. In settings i tried everything and nothing happens. After building not opened and sometimes i got error, look please to attachment.

Comments (6)

  1. Thibault Gouala

    Hi Anonymous !

    Could you please share with us the Unity version you are using and the version of .Peek as well ? Based on the logs it does not seem to be the last one, it worth trying with the last one available on the asset store.

    Also, it would be great if you can send to us the unity editor logs just after you made a build. If there is private data in it, you can send them to us through our support mail . You can find them there :


    Thanks !

  2. Thibault Gouala

    The usual suspect is a Culture issue on some user computer. We are in contact with 2 users and sent to them a new package to see if it solves the issue. Waiting for their feedback.

  3. Thibault Gouala

    That was an issue when parsing float value without ignoring Culture. Problem is fixed and will be shipped in 2019.0.2

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