Noel Communications

Issue #34 duplicate
Cassia Fairchild created an issue

Noel Communications has two tenant ID's NOE001 (Suite 2101) and NWM001 (Suite 3302). In FM the two tenant ID's are merged into one record. However, it looks like we've created different log-ins and password for the contacts for each tenant ID. So if I use the log-in info under NWM001, when I log-in in the customer portal I only see Suite 3302. And if use the log-in info under NOE001 it still shows Suite 3302 only and not Suite 2101.

The tenant should be able to see both tenant ID's and spaces in the same record and contacts should only have on log-in info.

Comments (2)

  1. Jared Sorge

    The portal log-ons are based on contact records in FileMaker. As far as I can tell, David Simons (for example) has one contact record for Noel Communications. So he has only one login account and password. This is as it should be.

    As for showing the complete unit list, I've got a fix that I'll be implementing today to get this working.

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