
Clone wiki

anddiscovered / Database Structure


Table Descriptions

CmdrSystems Table

The CMDR systems table holds a copy of each system (only once) that the CMDR has personally visited. The (x, y, z) position is pulled, or computed, from the Star Coordinator. The CMDR may input their own notes, as well as updated the number of stellar/planetary bodies.

If the application attempts to compute the position then it will use the minimum trilat count to determine how many systems are required before compute may be performed.

CmdrDistances Table

The CMDR distances table holds a copy of From -> To systems with distance (in light years) that the CMDR has visited. All entries are kept in order of visitation.

CmdrRefDistances Table

The CMDR reference table holds a copy of From -> To systems with distance (in light years) that the CMDR has visited, and have a valid position. These reference systems are manually inserted by the commander through the application and are used only for position computation. Once the position has been determined any system matching the "from" column should be deleted to keep the size down.


The star table contains all stars for a specific system that have been inputted by the CMDR.


The planets table contains all planets for a specific system that have been inputted by the CMDR.


The database information table holds some key:value pairs that are used to determine how to show information to the CMDR. Currently the only active item in this table is the last proxy message. This table will be deprecated in the near future.

Database Indexes

All indexes are meant to speed up searching for individual systems, and distances.
