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anddiscovered / Pathfinder


Pathfinder is an Elite: Dangerous exploration tracking application for Android based devices. Keep track of your exploration through the Galaxy one system at a time. Provide as much detail as you wish, or a little as desired.


  • Provides a convenient list of all Systems entered
  • Allows a CMDR to input each celestial body individually, and edit all details concerning said discovery.
  • Group celestial bodies as Satellites, or leave as a flat hierarchy
  • Provides a convenient Route Optimizer as you get closer to the Galactic Core.
  • Access Portals to external sites
    • Galnet News
    • Interstellar News
    • EDDB
    • Thrudds
    • And More!
  • Provide statistics concerning exploration activity
    • Choose your start date/system and ending date/system.
    • How much have you earned in this time period. (All values are unofficial conservative projections)
    • How many stars/planets visited.
    • How many first discoveries may you have made.
    • How many Stars of each type have you visited.
    • How many Planets of each type have you visited.
  • Photo Gallery for all Systems or view photos for a particular system
  • Calculate coordinates for a System from provided Reference Systems.
    • Now with System name injection into Elite: Dangerous!
    • All reference system distances will be uploaded to EDSM.
  • Export your database to Email, Dropbox, Google Driv, etc.


  1. You may download Pathfinder directly from the Play Store. You may also use your Android device's camera to scan the QR code.


  2. Follow the Edproxy installation instructions.

  3. Open the Navigation Panel by swiping from the left-edge of the screen, and select Settings
    1. Enter a CMDR name
    2. If you have difficulty connecting to Edproxy you may select a static IP address here.

Feature Usage

Action Bar

The Action Bar allows you to quickly tell which feature you are currently utilizing, and to determine your connection status with Edproxy.

Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel may always be found by swiping from the left edge of the screen. The Navigation Panel may also be exposed by selecting the ic_menu_black_24dp.png icon on the upper left.

The Navigation Panel allows you to jump to any major system within Pathfinder from any point.

NOTE: Show nav panel image here. Discuss each component.

System List
