
Gracie Best audio download books The Worst Class Trip Ever

Created by Gracie

#Best audio download books The Worst Class Trip Ever

The Worst Class Trip Ever


Download The Worst Class Trip Ever

####The Worst Class Trip Ever Dave Barry ebook

  • Page: 224
  • Format: pdf / epub
  • ISBN: 9781368040594
  • Publisher: Disney Press

Overview In this hilarious novel, written in the voice of eighth-grader Wyatt Palmer, Dave Barry takes us on a class trip to Washington, DC. Wyatt, his best friend, Matt, and a few kids from Culver Middle School find themselves in a heap of trouble-not just with their teachers, who have long lost patience with them-but from several mysterious men they first meet on their flight to the nation's capital. In a fast-paced adventure with the monuments as a backdrop, the kids try to stay out of danger and out of the doghouse while trying to save the president from attack-or maybe not.

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