
whirlsnowocslow Dating your students parent

Created by whirlsnowocslow

Comments (1)

  1. whirlsnowocslow

    Dating your students parent

    ♥♥♥ Link: Dating your students parent

    Is it a-ok or a conflict of interest. If he dating your students parent you you shouldn't have to do anything either in my opinion. He's stopped now, but you never know with some parents. At the beginning of the 2nd semester, i discovered that she was single. Praent never heard of anyone saying anything negative about them. It's at this point you need to ask whether you can make it work. Nothing stops a bloke going for a woman or a man he fancies does it. If the child has already been through a divorce, they don't need the added drama of a datinf break up between their parent and their teacher. It's not tiny, but it's not big enough for both of them. But dating your students parent now enjoy the eye candy. Ask yourself these questions: Is your child likely to suffer from teasing because of your relationship. How about "Grab you coat Hun you've pulled". If you end up breaking up with the parent of your student, then things can get messy for the student. Teachers are in a position of authority and are held to high standards of behavior jour their schools, professional associations and other parents. I'm so embarrassed that I've just posted this thread. I don't think it would matter, but I'd wait until your son is in a different class before pursuing anything. Eating suppose all I'm asking is how do I talk to him. I've no idea how their relationship is perceived by her colleagues and I'm sure parent's evenings must be strained, but I'm sure neither of these have contributed to her deciding to retire from teaching at the end of this term. Before pardnt decide to date your child's teacher, there are a number of considerations that need to be made. She teaches a Year 1+2 class. A mother of one of my students seems really cool. Either avoids eye contact altogether, stuents sometimes I walk past and as Prent look at him, he seems to look away. With a background in teaching, Windsor writes about education, parenting and the arts. On the other hand, giving your child special treatment because of your relationship status can cause other parents or teachers to complain. I also don't know for certain if he was already separated from his wife when they got together and I'm not convinced that she had split from me either, but ho hum. But for now enjoy the eye candy. However, it is a big decision—one that should not be made on a whim.


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