Tablet friendly UI

Issue #10 resolved
Will Lunniss repo owner created an issue

Ideas for making Servii Droid's UI tablet friendly

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    The following are screenshots from beta 4 on an HP Touchpad running CyanogenMod 7. The native screen resolution is 1024 x 768 (4:3 aspect ratio) in landscape mode.

  2. Dan Sajdowitz

    Here are the screenshots in portrait and landscape.

  3. Will Lunniss reporter

    Thanks, I've tried in in a similar sized emulator, but only with 3.0/3.2 and 4.0 so that was pretty much what I was expecting from CM7. Do the menu buttons apear in the usual place?

    In real life is everything about the right size, or could the titles (devices, status etc..) maybe be a bit bigger?

    I don't like how far away the word options and the icons are.

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