Need to show scaled-up thumbnail while loading image

Issue #85 resolved
Former user created an issue

While viewing image in thumbnail gird, after clicking on an image thumbnail, ServiiGo starts to load the the image and the screen shows the file name in black background. Instead of showing black background, it is suggested to show scaled-up thumbnail instead. It is especially useful when connecting through 3G network as it takes longer time to load the image than in a LAN environment.

Comments (3)

  1. Will Lunniss repo owner

    I've always wanted to do this, but it can actually be quite difficult to do properly without lots of code to prioritise and order image loading requests. I'm replacing the image loading library for 4.0 so I'll see if it can do this.

  2. Will Lunniss repo owner

    Done, although in if you scroll quickly on a poor connecting then loading the thumbnails will be blocked due to high resolution images in the queue. In a future verison I might be able to prioritise loading the thumbnails.

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