ServiiGo Newb

Issue #80 invalid
Roopert created an issue

So I don't know much about Serviio or DLNA but here is what I have accomplished and what I was hoping to get answers for.

I have accomplished a serviio media server on windows 7 OLD desktop (Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz 64-bit 4GB RAM 1GB ATI Radeon HD 5570) Server is over WiFi NOT WIRED

I can retrieve videos I put in my library through nexus 7 tablet using serviigo then selecting MX Player. Only plays smooth on low quality. Original 720x480 has to buffer a lot to play continuously.

My questions are:

  1. Is there a way to stream my videos that are 720 x 480 (original) without having to buffer for 15 minutes, like I have before

  2. On my HTC One S, (JellyBean) I can retreive videos the same way I retreive through Nexus 7 but it does not give me option to use MX Player or any other player. Video Player settings IS on auto.

  3. Last serviio free? What is serviio pro? or serviigo pro? I do plan on purchasing this app but want to get it working first.

Great Job on the application. Looking forward to supporting financially and through feedback. THANKS!!!

Comments (4)

  1. nubbel

    Please post your questions here

    Bitbucket is meant for bug reports and feature requests only, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

  2. Will Lunniss repo owner

    This isn't really an issue, so should go on the forums, ideally in this thread

    However, to answer your questions

    1. Is this locally over WiFi or remotely, if locally, then try connecting your server directly to the router via ethernet, if remotely, what uoload bandwith do you have at home?

    2. What options does it give you on your One S? And which profile is selected in the app, and which video quality.

    3. Serviio is free, however, the part of Serviio that ServiiGo uses is not, and requires Serviio Pro ($25 after the trial). There is no ServiiGo pro (to try to avoid confusion), but there is a donate key, this removes the adds and ads some extra features listed with a (+) on Basically, Serviio Pro goes to Serviio's dev, ServiiGo Donate Key goes to me (ServiiGo's dev).

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