Cant put data in Kinesis

Issue #2 new
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Conf file : <source> type forward port 24224 </source> <source> type http port 8282 </source> <source> type tail format apache2 path /var/log/httpd/access_log pos_file /var/log/httpd/access.log tag kinesis.access </source> <match fluent.> type stdout </match> <match kinesis.> type kinesis_alt aws_key_id AKIAIRIDNC5RPHWHWY2A aws_sec_key CoUJPyDFB491x4YZ7Ib7hBAcs0CRHDwL6anFl1ek region us-east-1 stream_name Fluentd partition_key Fd </match>

Test Command : echo '{"json":"message"}' | ./fluent-cat kinesis.apache -h

Im getting following error

fluent/output.rb:349:rescue in try_flush: temporarily failed to flush the buffer. next_retry=2015-03-23 09:31:09 +0000 error_class="AWS::Kinesis::Errors::ValidationException" error="1 validation error detected: Value '' at 'partitionKey' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length greater than or equal to 1" plugin_id="object:11e3e5c"

Comments (4)


    All configurations have been met

    Its tailing the input but cant put data in Kinesis Plzzz help me out

  2. Jacky Chen Account Deactivated

    You should recycle your keys since you are pasting your AWS access keys on the internet

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