Arm64 Available?

Issue #22 closed
Bloodshot_pico created an issue

I’m looking to run this on a Raspberry Pi 4 via a docker using the docker image. Was wondering if there’s a way to get it to run on an arm64 version?

Unable to find image 'wisemapping/wisemapping:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from wisemapping/wisemapping
10ac4908093d: Pull complete
6df15e605e38: Pull complete
2db012dd504c: Pull complete
8fa912900627: Pull complete
f8fe20946c04: Pull complete
1f8839e6ed79: Pull complete
0839ea5a8b1a: Pull complete
7daa3b348eae: Pull complete
5731e059841c: Pull complete
09d33a0df056: Pull complete
b0afab82d9ad: Pull complete
bf7ce0d99475: Pull complete
f73fee53bc39: Pull complete
7240a372c6b3: Pull complete
202340b58c0c: Pull complete
d6c3f7b4ed1f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b995ebd5a51b4c0bd6cca30cb71670ba58f2143239b7112210054219931d2083
Status: Downloaded newer image for wisemapping/wisemapping:latest
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error

Thanks in advance,

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