Import does not use customized template

Issue #18 resolved
Thomas Rois created an issue

In the general confluence Administration, you can customize your global glossary term template to fit your company needs.

When you are importing terms from CSV, these however are placed in the default template instead. There is a workaround to include the whole page source in your import file, but that is error-prone as it needs to be added by non-IT-Users that want to migrate from their existing excel or word glossaries.

Comments (2)

  1. Florian Engertsberger

    We have exactly the same issue. We´re evaluating this addon at the moment, but this would be the show stopper. Would be great if this problem could be solved.

  2. Support wKnowledge

    Hi Thomas, Florian,

    A new version 3.5.0 has been released which resolves the issue.

    Many thanks for your collaboration.

    Best regards,


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