Translation Issues - German

Issue #21 resolved
Thomas Rois created an issue

We have our Confluence Instance set to german. If you select and hover over a Term when highlighting is disabled, there is the option to “show term definition”. a proper localisation would be something akin to “Definition anzeigen” or even better, “Im Glossar nachschlagen” - which is a slightly different meaning, but more eloquent.

Also, if that does not find anything, It creates a dialog that says “Momentan gibt es keine Bedingungen. [Add a new term]” The button should be labelled “Begriff hinzufügen” as it is on the terms overview. The text is a little bit clunky, as it Means “there are no conditions met” when translated back to english. It should be more along the lines of: “Es gibt noch keinen Eintrag für diesen Begriff” (there exists no entry) or “Es wurde kein Eintrag für diesen Begriff gefunden” (no entry was found).

Comments (2)

  1. info Knowledge

    Hi Thomas,

    Many thanks for your collaboration.

    Issue fixed within 3.2.3 version.

    Please do not hesitate to share with us your feedback.

    Best regards,


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