Additional State for Glossary Terms

Issue #22 resolved
Thomas Rois created an issue

Currently we have 2 approval states for terms: proposed and approved. this is very nice in terms of quality management, but not sufficiently good for the process of our quality managers. They’d like to see in an easy way what is approved, what is “in work” and what needs approval by them. While labels or visibility options and some form of workflow around it can provide the necessary information, it is also clunky and error-prone due to the mainly human component.

What we propose is the following: allow a third state (maybe “initial“ or “new” or “needs work”) before “proposed”, which can be toggled with “proposed” by the user itself, even though “approved” can only be applied by certain administrative groups (quality managers).

Comments (2)

  1. Support wKnowledge

    A new version of Glossary - Terminology Manager has been released! Version 4.0.0 is now available in the Atlassian Marketplace which resolves the issue.

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