Glossary 4 - Need a DB Script to fix this or some further administrative Options

Issue #37 resolved
Thomas Rois created an issue


we just got around to install Version 4 of Glossary and were looking forward to the changes. (many of them actually requested by us 🙂 ). There are some problems though, especially if you keep in mind that we have close to 500 spaces in our instance.

  1. Control Panel ist not exactly doing what we want. It does not deploy the before used global highlighting settings to the existing spaces. So our used-to-be standard settings are now overridden by the apps standard settings. So we need either

    1. a script to change these settings for all spaces.
    2. an administrative option to deploy the standard settings to all spaces or to a selection of spaces.
  2. It is nice that each space can decide which glossary they want to view, but it is very hard to administer, When so many spaces are coming and going according to their project-lifecycles. What we really need is the option to say (preferably for each term or at least for every space) if THAT glossary-entry can be viewed globally or only within that space. Yes, we can do that by setting it manually for every space we create. And then updating it manually whenever something changes… is not advisable.

tc, Thomas

Comments (3)

  1. Support wKnowledge
    • changed status to open

    Hi Thomas,

    Many thanks for your collaboration.

    The team is already working on your first request.

    I come back to you ASAP with ETA.

    Best regards, Jennifer

  2. Support wKnowledge

    Hi Thomas,

    A new version has been released which resolves the first issue.

    You find both options in Glossary management → Highlight.

    Could you, please, create a new ticket with the second request?

    Many thanks for your collaboration.

    Best regards,


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