Highlight only the first occurence of a term on the page

Issue #40 resolved
Thomas Rois created an issue

in #15 , there were actually 3 requests: only one was implemented:

Some common terms that actually have a glossary entry are used extensively on the same page. When everything is then highlighted-blue, this is counter-productive and harder to read. Thus we request an administrative option to have a term only highlighted once per page.

Comments (6)

  1. Theresa Wolf

    This is incredibly important to us as well. I would say that this is more of a Critical Priority.

  2. Support wKnowledge

    Hi Thomas, Theresa,

    Thank you for your collaboration, and I apologize for the delayed response.

    I'm pleased to inform you that the improvement you requested has been resolved in the 5.0.0 version of the app.

    Best regards, Jennifer

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